Saturday, April 11, 2020

gracie chronicles vol. VII: the haircut

What the hell am I doing on this blog again?

I thought Mom turned in the keys to this old jalopy?

And what's up with this CornBread-19 thing? I personally love CornBread, but I've never been allowed to have 19 of them unless no one was looking. And I don't see what the fuss is all about, except it means my Hoomans are home constantly, and a girl can't get a decent haircut anymore.

Mom tried to do Eddie's hair once upon a time, but decided there are certain DIYs that she's not cut out for. You see what I did there? So, like an actual smart person, she donated the doggie clippers...about five minutes before the CornBread-19 thing started heating up. And my beauty shop shut down.

But I'm a hairy beast and I need some attention!

For the love of Dog. She bought more clippers. I'm doomed. 

Woof. I am Gracie.

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Saturday, April 4, 2020

tv wall revisited {board and batten}

Hello, my people!

Are you still there?

Are you keeping your fingers out of other people's noses?

Are you refraining from licking the canned corn at Wal-Mart?

Are you dug in like an Alabama tick? We are! Like two of them, actually, and getting fatter by the minute. I expect us to burst any moment now.

I know I've been absent for a very long time, and I was doubtful I would ever be back. But, circumstances dictate otherwise!

A couple years ago, I went back to work full-time, and that was the beginning of the steady decline of this here little piece of heaven on earth. But, since the worldwide CoronaCation has begun, I find myself with extra wine on my hands, and the need to boss Philly around. Fear not! I'm using my powers for good!

While I'm still working full-time (from home), I can start my day much earlier, because I no longer have a commute, and showers are optional. My bras are all on sabbatical until this is over. As are all depilatory devices. My moustache/nose hair combo should be in full bloom by the time I go back to the office. I can't wait.

But hey! Let's talk about how to build a wall! Actually, there are a ton of tutorials out there for doing what we did, and this is nothing original. Just like those thin mint cookies I just ate. Seriously. What happened to those?

Some of you remember where this wall started. A long time ago.

Awww...Eddie's rope toy! Miss you, buddy!

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