Tuesday, February 4, 2014

having a cup at the bar

That reminds me of the time I sat on my front porch drinking wine, smoking Marlboro Lights, and scream-singing Hair of the Dog.

Don't worry.  I lived in a tiny hick town and that was considered normal.  For me.

I haven't smoked in ages, but I do still drink wine and occasionally scream-sing.  You can't really do one without the other.  I know you were worried that I may have quit the wine.

In case you were wondering what this post is about, it's about my kitchen.  What else?  Well that, and I'm sporting a boil the size of Texas and it's making me really cranky.  No, I won't tell you where.

We finally prettied up the cabinets with cups and bars.

Have you priced cup and bar pulls?  They're a whole lotta dollas.  But I found this site where they're ridiculously affordable and surprisingly sturdy and heavy.

Wanna see?

Too bad.  Okay, here's a refresher of what the cabinets looked like at the very moment I took these pictures of them.

And here they are, all gussied up.

Still trying to decide on wall tile...

My fridge looks like a spaceship!
I just know they're going to probe.....never mind.

And what do you think of my Craig's List bar stools?  Not bad!

We're mostly excited because we can now open all the doors and drawers without Phil breaking a fingernail.

Here's a link to the pulls.  They come in every imaginable length.  I ordered them in 6", 8", 10", 12", and 14".

Jamison Collection Brushed Nickel Bar Pull

And here's the cup:

Jamison Collection Brushed Nickel Cup Pull

And now for your musical enjoyment:

Time for me to take Eddie to the vet.
He's been having issues with...well...those aliens.  :/


  1. Oh, Andie I just LOVE your kitchen!! And those bar stools are from off CRaigs List? They look new, or maybe they are! Awesome! I love to drink lots of wine, too... ahh, I have to stay sane somehow! ;)

  2. so glad you are still on the wine. could you build a house without it?? I think no.

    Love those pulls. The kitchen looks great, but I can't wait to see that wall tile go up! (whatever one you pick!)

  3. HUMONGOUS DIFFERENCE!!! AND A CLEAN FRIDGE!!! Keep on drinking and you won't be able to cook anything and mess up that kitchen.

    I loved my huge kitchen, and had it remodeled ONE DAMN YEAR prior to selling the house. Ass backwards. Then I expected the same type of kitchen when we moved. Hey, my old house was 60 years old and modern. A house built in 1994 had to be better. Right?

    It's the size of my old bathroom, but I've adapted and adjusted. (at times) And I can fix a fan-damn-tastic meal without moving my feet.

  4. Sorry about the boil Urggh. No fun. But, at least you have a very pretty kitchen and aren't breaking nails to get into your cabinets any longer. Love some rock 'n roll and wine. Pass on the ciggies.

  5. I have never had a boil in my life, I know what they are but I have never had one, just saying to make you feel better, or to make you call me a bitch........................whichever, is all good with me.......................like the look of your kitchen makes me a little jealous but still I like it

  6. Nice!! But, it looks like you have someone in your microwave... :-/

  7. The kitchen looks great. That's my comment and I'm sticking to it cuz I am not commenting on the rectal probe.

  8. Your kitchen is coming up really nice! I love the island and the bar stools. Sorry about the boil, maybe the aliens will probe that for you!

  9. Looks good. You're rockin' pretty hard over here. I'm the opposite: Barry Manilow is visiting me.


  10. I am so jealous of your kitchen Andi!! I wish I had that much open space. Good luck with the boil, and the aliens. ;)

  11. OMG! NOw the kitchen cupboards are perfection!! Tile! Now you have to pick out the tile for the wall.
    I've no boil or alien knowledge, so am of no assistance there. Sadly, I cannot understand any of the screaming bands. Have no clue what he was shouting about--ROFL! I suppose if one is drunk on wine lyrics don't matter. ;) What a great kitchen, Lady!!

  12. Looking good! If I could only talk my husband into a different color island....

  13. You are so funny! ....what your cabinets looked like at the exact moment you took the picture...LOL! Your kitchen looks lovely. I haven't started looking for hardware yet for my cabinets but people keep telling me amazon has great prices on them. I'll check out yours because they look lovely!

  14. That is some serious gussy success.
    If you wait til it gets nice out here, I will invite you to one of my garage parties. We have been known to drink & smoke Marlboros & yell Hair of the Dog. Yes, Hair of the Dog is one of the specific songs, even recently. Yes, yelling is my mode of communicating a song. I have received a lifetime ban from karaoke, all locations.

  15. I love your kitchen!! I think those aliens gave you that boil cuz they were mad they missed out on those bar stools!! Hope Eddies okay!!!!

  16. I'm very jealous that you already have your kitchen!!! I'm still undecided on tiles - and you can't seem to help me there - and counter - any advice?

  17. Ok, the pulls look great, love the fridge and the craigslist chairs rock...BUT, what I really want to know about is that cute little doggy placemat. Is that in the shape of a bone?! I had one of those for my sweet granddog Charlie! Great minds...

    Oh, and BOILS RULE!

  18. You make doing a kitchen reno seem like such fun! Sorry about the aliens giving you a boil. That's kind of gross! You should drink some wine to forget about it.

  19. A boil?! Ouch, dude.

    Kitchen is looking great! Perfect place to have your friends (me) over to sing scream and drink wine. My faves.

  20. I've got to force down all my jealousy before commenting....sorry....it's going to take a while.

  21. Holy smokes those cabinets are gorgeous! Really! Really! Gorgeous!
    Great job---I just love kitchens.


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