Sunday, August 20, 2017

guest bathroom round one: the vanity

Greetings! I've been absent. During that absence, I switched my e-mail subscriptions over to Mailchimp, and I don't know if those apes will successfully deliver this post. To anyone. Ever. Let me know, will ya?

In the meantime, I'll endeavor to write a read-worthy post and pretend there is someone out there who will at least take a peek. Otherwise, what's the point?

We've been living in our new home nearly four years now, and our guest bathroom is still unfinished. While that might sound like a terrible inconvenience, no one really likes us enough to want to be our guest in the first place. Probably because we make you bring your own beer, wine, and food, and insist you bring us a supply as well. (I like any Sauvignon Blanc as well as Apothic Dark for future reference.)

Or, perhaps it's because Gracie refers to the guest bathroom as "The Room Where Dad Poops Every Morning." 

That's right. There's a toilet, but unless you want to wash your hands in the bathtub (or in the toilet you just defiled), you must find an alternative soap-and-water source.

So, why does Philly poop here instead of in our beautiful master bath? It's simple. There are two creatures indigenous to this particular bathroom that are terribly important to his "process." 

First? The Squatty Potty (or, as I call it, the poop stool--which is a bit redundant and makes me giggle). Second is Mr. Kindle, upon which Philly ruthlessly battles Spider Solitaire while taking care of business.

I know I don't have to explain to you how difficult it is to photograph a small space. With that in mind, please enjoy these professional photos of our bathroom without a sink.

Can you guess where the sink should be?

I didn't think so.

Here's another little snafu. Snafus tend to occur when you design your own home, live in the space, then eventually come to the conclusion you completely screwed something up.

The toilet is behind the door.

But no worries! This gives me the perfect excuse to rip the door off and destroy it while Phil is at work and leave him with no choice but to build and install a sliding barn door instead.

Genius, says I.

No effing way, says Phil.

Why have we waited so long to install a sink vanity? It's because of my undying love for my husband, that's why.

Over the years, he has begged and pleaded with me to purchase a ready-made vanity and plop it in there. I have held fast to my vision of (him) building an open-style vanity with a vessel sink that will fit perfectly into the alcove in the bathroom. You see, I know how much pleasure and pride it will bring him to gaze upon his hand-made creation every time he...ummm...sits.

My friends, that day has come. 

We roughly followed THIS PLAN from Ana White. I know that you know I mean Phil followed the plan. I don't power-tool. Unless it's the electric corkscrew to ready delicious wine for consumption. I'm all over that.

We went on a date to Menards and hand-picked out the various pieces of cedar to use to build the vanity. I chose not to stain the cedar because:
     1. I'm lazy
     2. Cedar is soft and might not take stain evenly
     3. I'm lazy and didn't want to deal with #2
     4. The bathroom is poorly lit, so I wanted to keep the vanity light in color
     5. I'm lazy

Phil was a veritable superhero building the base and putting together the top. I did my part by bossing him around and telling him which pieces go where. Oh, I also hit the whole thing with General Finishes High Performance Flat clearcoat. I love this stuff. It's the same topcoat I used on MY RED BUFFET, and Reese's BUFFET, and it's still my favorite.

The vanity is looking amazing and is being installed as we speak. Here are some preview shots.

Phil's sexy leg modeling his new masterpiece:

That Damn Cat flaunting the fact she's still alive:

Finally, the finished piece after enough coats of clear to choke a velociraptor, waiting for round two in the bathroom.

Or is that Number Two?

I love the bottom shelf.

The board across the top front is my favorite part of the whole piece, though.

From here, we'll move on to the remaining steps to complete the guest bathroom. We've already painted, so next steps are tile, mirror, sink/faucet installation, and faux board & batten.

In other news, Gracie von Schnauzer and Izzy the Damn Cat are doing just fine.

My baby girl Emma got married!

Not only was I the Mother of the Bride, but I was the Matron of Honor as well.

Some of the glass is hard to read, but it says:

"First My Mama,
Always my Best Friend...
Will you be my Matron of Honor?"

Double duty was amazing. 

Philly and I celebrated our eighteenth adversity day!

And, if you can believe it, my little Reesie-Pie will turn one year old in just a few weeks. Holy smokes.

It won't be long now and Grandi will be teaching her how to pour wine into her sippy cup.

Thanks for visiting!

Update! PART TWO can be found HERE!


  1. Welcome home Andi! I have missed you so much but I knew you would come back to us! Congrats on your daughter's marriage. That was so sweet of her to make you her matron of honor! Congrats on 18 years with Phil!

    I love the new hair color! You look happy and rested!

    Now about that loo...It doesn't look big enough for a vanity that size but hey if it fits on a wall go for it! I want to take the door off our only (yes we live in a single bathroom home) and do a barn door. I'm not sure there is room for it. When the kids were babies we didn't even have a door up just a sheet. It was fine unless company came over then it was a bit sticky...I told my guys just find a tree i the yard.

    Don't leave again Andi. You make me laugh and smile and cry too! You are adored!


    1. Haha! Well, WE had shower curtains over the bathroom doors for about the first year we lived here! Doors are highly overrated, you know. And the vanity fits perfectly between the two walls. Custom-made! It will make more sense when we have it all put together

      So happy to hear from you!


  2. WOOO HOOO!!! Happy stuff all around!!! Love the photos, happy anniversary, happy 1st birthday, congratulations Emma, yay Phil with the vanity magic!!
    Though, I admit, I always thought there should be a hand washing station NEXT to the commode so you can wash your hands before you touch your clothes. Just sayin'. :) One of those motion sensor faucets. or is it phawcets. :)
    Welcome back and hugs to all ya'll. :)))
    ~ Christina in FL

  3. Congrats on all your life events.
    Good work on placing that vanity right under that light fixture. That will be so convenient. Good thinking.
    Gracie is bigger than Eddie was, no? Perhaps it's just using Izzy as a frame of reference.

  4. Got your chimp via email. I would love to stay and have poop talk, but I've got a newly one year old wiping boogers on me while I try to type.

  5. You are so funny!! A great way to start Monday morning. Please come back soon. Your readers enjoy reading what you're up to - at least this reader does. Congrats on your adversity! 18 is a good number.

    1. Thank you! I'm happy to hear from you....MARY!! =D


  6. Sorry - don't know how to add my name - it's MARY!

  7. I was just thinking the other day that I havent received any new posts from you lately so this was an awesome surprise! Congrats on all the wonderful things in your life! I really like the vanity and can't wait to see the final product! I have missed your blog!

    1. Thank you so much! Sometimes I get on a roll and have lots of things to talk about, and sometimes I crawl into my cave. :) But I'm always happy when I come back and hear from my peeps!! =D


  8. OMG! I was so happy to see a post! Do I care it was sent by monkey? No way! Happy Anniversary! Congrats to your daughter. One year old already?? OMG! I've missed you. Love the vanity and looking forward to seeing the finished bathroom. Oh, and glad Gracie and Izzy are doing well. hugs!! :)

  9. I was thinking my computer screwed up again and I lost you completely! So very glad to see this post! The vanity is is Phil. Congrats on the wedding and the upcoming birthday! You have such a beautiful family! With you and Phil on the top!! Don't stay away so long, girl. YOU ARE MISSED!! Dona

    1. Hey Dona! I'm happy to hear from you! I'll try and stay on track from now on. :)


  10. You are hilarious, I'm glad you are back. I read this out loud to my hunny he likes to laugh too. I have a couple of cats (6) and when I got to "
    That Damn Cat flaunting the fact she's still alive" we both busted up laughing totally understand... if they aren't doing something stupid to get themselves killed they are doing something stupid that make you WANT to kill them LOL. We celebrated our 18th Adversity earlier in the year. 18 is a great number. I went and read your 14th and the baby changing table too. that is all the laughter I can handle for today. Congrats on your adversity and your daughters wedding. May she have many happy adversities too.

    1. I swear that cat will live forever. She'll be at OUR funerals! Congrats on your 18th adversity day as well! I'm very happy you're here to visit..come early and often. :)


  11. Thank God! I'm so glad you're back. I forgive you for being absent, sounds like you've been busy. Love the bathroom.

    1. I'm glad you're here! And if you love the bathroom now, wait until it's finished. It's going to be amazing. :)


  12. I haven't blogged for ages either, just too busy in my shop. Glad to read all your updates, you packed a lot into one post!

  13. Hooray for Reesie-she is adorable. Hello to the furry four-legger and (Phil's sexy furry leg as well of course). So glad to see you back with poop talk and such!

  14. It was so nice to get a new post from you in my inbox and wih so many news. I'm going with "Congratulations" for all events! The homemade, custom made vanity is looking great... My bathroom is still unfinished, so feel free to fly Philly over here next time you fight with him... I don't have a poop stool, tough, so maybe he won't consider it!

  15. Four years? And the grandbaby is almost one? Time flies when you're having fun, and I definitely mean you because I'm not having fun at all. I don't drink enough, obviously.



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